Sleep Your Way To Creativity!

From the Dreamtime of Indigenous Australians to the prophecies and divine messages encoded in biblical dreams, the link between dreaming and inspiration has traditionally been a strong one. But regardless of where you stand on metaphysical issues, modern science has established a solid connection between sleep and creativity. It has even been shown that when…

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Sleep Disorders Cost Australian Companies a Whopping 36.4 billion Dollars!

How sleeping disorders decrease productivity and profitability. As the link between optimal productivity and getting adequate sleep is finally starting to sink in, a paradigm shift slowly seems to be taking place in corporate culture.   It’s a vicious cycle: especially in competitive, ambitious workplaces, staff are constantly under pressure to work ever harder –…

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Happy girl jumping off pier

Ever wondered what’s the key to happiness? It turns out you don’t need more money, you just need more sleep! The Living Well happiness index, developed by Oxford Economics and the National Centre for Social Research in the UK, has found that sleep has the strongest association with a person’s happiness and wellbeing – well…

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7 Natural Alternatives to Sleeping Tablets

sleeping aids

  When you wake up in the morning, your tone for the day is already set. The mood you wake up in will typically determine the quality of your day. But what determines the mood you wake up in? It’s the quality of your sleep. We spend so much time and money enhancing our diet…

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Insomnia Trends

Did you know that about 30% of adults suffer from insomnia? Considering we ideally spend about a third of our life sleeping (or trying to), that’s an awful lot of time to spend battling this beast. Whether it’s difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, more people than ever are not getting the quality and quantity…

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Tips For Sleeping On A Plane

Heading off to some far-off land on a long haul flight? Don’t sacrifice a good night’s sleep just because you won’t be horizontal. Here are our best tips for how to sleep on a plane: Choose a good seat Be sure to select your seat as soon as possible. Some airlines let you choose your…

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World Sleep Day 2017: Sleep Soundly, Nurture Life

Sleep comes naturally for all of us, so much so that we humans spend one third of our entire life sleeping. That means, if we live to be 75 years old and we’re sleeping at least 8 hours a day, 25 years of that is spent sleeping. But has sleep really been given much importance…

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TV interview with Denise Drysdale of Studio 10

Sleep is an essential part of our daily lives as it helps us rest and recover from the daily grind but unfortunately, not everyone gets a full night’s rest and although a night of sleeplessness might have very little impact, the long-term effects of sleep deprivation could be detrimental to ones over-all health. What’s even…

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Sleeping At Work: Japan’s Got The Right Idea

We live in a culture where it’s perfectly acceptable to be sleep deprived: where it’s normal to roll into work the morning after a late night with bags under our eyes and a jumbo coffee in our hand. But then we’re expected to stay awake and alert through the entire workday. We’ve got deadlines to…

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Brainwaves and Sleep: What’s the Connection?

Do you live a fast paced life, enjoy relatively good health, but can’t fall asleep at night? Have you been to see the doctor about your insomnia, and all they have suggested is to meditate, relax or take a sleeping tablet? Do you feel like there must be another solution, but you just haven’t found…

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