Does Better Sleep Mean a Better Orgasm?
There are many connections between sleep and having that big “O” moment.
But did you know training yourself to sleep easier, and more deeply, could help to increase the intensity of your orgasm, and your sex life?
One of the core reasons for this link lies in the mind’s ability to detach from the external world, and move within.
We can gain great insight from a common occurrence for both men and women. Wet dreams, normally associated with men, are also a natural phenomenon for women. It was recently published in the Journal of Sex Research that 85 percent of women have experienced a nocturnal orgasm. In both cases, studies have shown the orgasm was much more intense during sleep, versus when the subject was partaking in sexual activates consciously. This is because while you are asleep, there is less inhibition and less conscious restraint. Studies of brain scans have shown that there is actually a ‘turning off’ of certain areas in the brain that process outside information, motor activity, and emotion at the time of orgasm. This may help explain why there are fewer barriers to intense sexual excitation during sleep than when a person is awake. (source)
Re-creating this state of being that your mind and body experience during deep sleep, when you’re awake, can result in the same sexual intensity for your active sex life.
Some of the main practices involved are; the ability to surrender, letting go, being fully present, and being immersed in all of the senses. You can train your brain to become better at theses skills by practicing meditation, slowing down, and to increasing the value you place on being present. Something we are rarely do in this technological and fast paced society.
As a result of how our modern world operates, most of us have an overly developed left side of the brain. Its job is to study the past and rehearse for the future. However, it is the right brain that is in charge of present moment awareness, like when you have to catch a ball flying through the air.
Meditation, deep relaxation, or other similar practices force us to exercise our ability to go back and forth between the two hemispheres of the brain, thus helping to balance the two parts of our brain. If we practice often, then we strengthen our ability to be present when we want to, and the practice becomes more easily accessible. These same practices also help us to sleep better.
Having the skill to be present in both your mind, and body can have great results. This is true for your brain, but also for your orgasm. If you are able to control your mind (full presence) and surrender to what your body has to offer you, then you can achieve that state of bliss formerly only known to exist in your dreams.
Another area that significantly affects both our ability to sleep well, and our ability to orgasm, is our capacity to manage our stress levels. Stress decreases the production of the sex hormones, like oestrogen and testosterone, and ramps up your levels of cortisol. When your body releases cortisol, your system shifts from a relaxed state, to being on guard. Essentially, your “fight or flight response kicks in, redirecting blood flow to your muscles, and away from your sex organs, telling your body to prioritise survival over sex, making orgasm nearly impossible. In a study conducted by the University of Michigan, when the levels of cortisol in women reached over 40 percent, they were physically incapable of orgasm. (source) Conversely, lower cortisol levels increase your both capacity for pleasure and better sleep.
If you can learn to go within, connect to your senses, and surrender, you will not only sleep more soundly, but orgasm more loudly.
“Sleep is the best form of meditation.” – Dalai Lama
If you can master the art of sleeping, what else might be possible?